Gcatavrosprite sleeping. Click on him to return home!

> 222: Rundown.

18/5/2024 9:55 AM

Sa100tations! Welcome to my blog. c|:3

This is where I'll be documenting random events in my life..

I think journalling, blogging, and writing (in general) is awesome. Additionally, self-indulgent rambling is even more so. That's why this is here!

Warnings will be provided if what I write requires it, and blogs are sorted by newest to oldest. Have fun reading!

(If you wish to leave, Gcatavros will gladly accompany you out. Just click on him! c}:D)

18/5/2024 10:08 AM

Celebrate your birthday.

20/7/2024 9:02 PM

Hello everyone!! Yesterday was my birthday. c|:) And I had a pretty good day!!

I mostly just slacked off the entire morning + afternoon.. And also got myself some Flightrising dragons that shared the same birthday as me! Because I’m very much insane about dragons. Go check them out here. c|:) (I’m pretty sure I spent 47k treasure and 20 gems in total… Not even counting the apparel and skin/axcents I might buy to dress them up… Haha..) (It’s ok. I still managed to stay within my huge budget. And I deserve it. vv)

My birthday cake was delivered somewhere during the afternoon! Tasted great. I don’t have a photo and it fell down on the fucking ground (while in the box) on the way home but you know. I stay silly. It tasted great. I love chocolate cheesecake. c|x)

After that.. Me and my family went out to eat at a Korean BBQ place! It was similarly great!! Ate lots of good meat, appetizers, and also salmon and tuna sushi. Have some photos!!

There’s not much else to say about this. My favorite cousin was there with me, being a nuisance as usual, and playing on their tablet, set to a very audible volume. Sometimes even screaming and laughing. It was horrible. The things I tolerate for my family… vv <—(Acting like he wasn’t laughing with them…) Shout out to my dumbass cousin!!! c|:D

We went home right after, and I bragged to all of my friends about it. Like how I’m bragging to the internet about it. c|:3 I got to talk a lot with my BFF, too.. One of the best parts of my day. My BFF means the world to me! c|:)

As for gifts… I got this c001 sugar skull/calvera jewelry set from a family member!! I love it so much. Thank you world for skeletons.

Other than that…. I got some wonderfully made digital stuff sent by my other friends, a whole giftbox that’s yet to be delivered, and a damn lot of heartfelt birthday wishes. I’m really grateful!! c|:D Thank you everyone. c|x)

I made it another year, and I can’t be more glad that I did. Happy birthday, me!! c|:)

Current mood: Satisfied!
Listening to: Tourniquet - Evanescence

20/7/2024 9:37 PM


16/7/2024 10:46 PM

Hello again everyone!! It’s my month and almost my birthday! (July 19!) I’m taking it easy, so I don’t axually have anything c001 or important to talk about.. As always. >> I guess this’ll just be an xtended and more detailed status update about the inconsequential shit I’m doing. Oh well.

Here are two things I’m working on!! First off is a post canon Jake and Tavros (a very underrated platonic and romantic pair) fanfic, and, despite the fact that its 90% dialogue, I’m having a lot of fun!! I’m not one to give away a lot of spoilers, but, since I’m struggling bored, have a screenshot!!!:

As you can clearly see. My skill in writing cannot be outmatched. c|:) <—(Coping with the fact that he fucking sux at making epilogue shit up…) c|:’) 100king back on it, I should really go back and edit some of Jake’s dialogue..! Since, surprisingly, I don’t know the guy that much! Unbelievable, right?! c|:”0

And a shrine for my other favorite troll, Aradia Megido! I’m pretty much done with her page’s design and layout, I just have to.. Axually write her. And read some roleplaying and writing guides before that… You know. For the same reason as my previous predicament. c|x””)

I took some inspiration from Flightrising’s layout and an Indiana Jones fansite.. I’m really happy with it so far. c|:D

And!! Speaking of Flightrising!! I’ve been playing it a lot lately! I’ve been reworking the lore for my clan and just my clan in general. c|:P I have most of it written down on this forum post! (General gist is.. Whoa.. Cyberpunk dystopia dragons. And labor unions acting as rebellions… c|:0)

Just like any other writing project of mine.. It’s barely finished… But I’m working on it!! c|:””D Just.. very very slowly. I have finished Cyprie’s bio though. I’m pretty proud of it! You should check her out if you like c001 rebellious dragons. c|:)

I’m also finally active again on Pokefarm! I’m on Team Breakneck Blitz (in other terms, Team Normal type..) this month and have been hatching Eevee eggs repeatedly for the last few days!! Without getting any shinies, albinos, or melans!! Fuck!!! c|:””)

The breeding pair I’m using this time (an Eevee and a Ditto) also really sux.. Only 46% breeding chance.. And I just used up all of my shelter adoptions… I’m practically dying on the battlefield out here..! c|:”( (I have a Jolteon I could use instead of the Ditto, but she’s just level 11 and it’s going to take too long leveling her up to 60.. Man.. c|OTL)

Lastly.. I’m thinking of getting back in touch with some old friends of mine. Because sch001’s still out and I’m lonely. c|:”( Also because I have a strange inability to make new friends. Like holy shit. I don’t know how the fuck younger me did it.. What happened. When and where did I go wrong… (I’ll fix this… Eventually. >>)

Anyway. Yeah. That’s it.. I’ve just been a huge nerd this entire month. c|8’) <—(Acting as if he isn’t one every other month..)

I’m having fun, though!! And I hope everyone else does too!! Thank you for reading my rambling!! ^^

Current mood: Xcited!! Yaay!!
Listening to: Dizzy Paranoia Girl - VocaloKAT

16/7/2024 11:32 PM

Get your very first phone.

6/6/2024 9:11 PM

After a lot of hard work and saving… It’s here!! It’s finally here!! My first ever phone!!! c|:D

It’s a Galaxy Z Flip5! c|:) With 256GB of storage and in the cream color. (I would’ve gotten it in graphite or b100 but they weren’t available at the price I wanted….) I love it!! ^^ c|:D

This thing is like.. maybe around 1,000+ dollars. Ha… I’m not xactly sure how I managed to afford this thing.. >> Usually I’m broke as fuck. All I know is that one of my family members found a good installment plan somewhere, and somehow, so far, I’m able to pay off this thing monthly!! 0_0 Good for me.

My original plan was to get an axual flip phone for my first ever phone (specifically the Samsung Fold 2) because of how cheap they are and their keypads (I love love love keypads and keyboards) (I love typing!! I love buttons), but I’m not complaining!! I’m very grateful. c|:3

Anyways, I got it a good case (black one w/ strap so I can wear it like a crossbody bag), decorated said case with some butterfly stickers, and made my wallpapers skeleton art I found on Pinterest!! Hell yeah. (Very c001 art, by the way. If anyone knows who made it, tell me…)

I took these photos using my very shitty and old iPad camera. It.. The quality sucks. It’s so bad. c|x”( But it’s ok!! It’s one of the reasons why I got this new phone. The camera quality on this Z Flip is so much better, and the colors are very vibrant (just how I like it). I think I’ll use it to take all of my photos from now on. c|:) Here are some screenshots of my cover, lock, and home screens.

Once I get the hang of widgets, it’ll 100k a lot more intricate. And more Tavros-ified.. Maybe a lot more b100, too. Because I’m just like that. c|:3

While I.. don’t really know what to do with it yet (other than text and customize) since I’ve never had this much storage before, I really like this phone!! It’s so fun, I love foldable devices (I’m so intrigued by the flexible glass..) and I love how compact it is!! Both in the hardware and software way. It’s just so c001 how I can fit it in my pocket, and also not have to open it to axcess basic stuff. Because I can just use the cover screen!!! ^^

The volume is really nice as well, and, compared to my other two devices (my beloved iPad and laptop) I can axually play games on it!! So awesome!! So c001!! c|xD

Other than photo-taking and texting, I’m planning to use this phone for its hotspot and load (incase of emergencies, since my iPad doesn’t have a SIM card..), and overall, fun! c|:) Of which just means games and selfies to me. I’m a very simple guy.

...In retrospect. Getting the axual flip phone would’ve been a much wiser option. Especially regarding my finances and needs. But life’s too short for that!!

Hedonism ftw. I love my awesome Z Flip5.

Current mood: Xtatic!!! c|:D

6/6/2024 9:52 PM

Back again.

18/5/2024 9:21 PM

Oh my god!! It’s been so long since I’ve written anything!! I miss you guys!! Whats up!! How are you!! Personally I’m doing xcellent!! 100k at this Tavros shrine layout I’m working on!!

It’s based off of Myspace.. Aradia will have her own profile too, of course!!

It’s almost done ready to be uploaded to the internet but I’m stuck writing the comments for his friends.. I have never written Gamzee before and it shows. Help me!! c|:”’(

I still have to work on the more meta parts of the shrine (such as why I enjoy him and more comments about his character over the story) and some additional graphix (like Fiduspawn stamps..) to spice it up a bit, but once I get these damn comments done, you guys will be able to witness the shrine in it’s somewhat unfinished yet very beautiful (and obsessive) glory..

Also.. I really wanted to make his layout fairy-themed (in canon, he has it for his Trollian wallpaper!!) but I couldn’t figure out a way to make it work.. c|:”( So I went for Fiduspawn instead!! Maybe other trolls like to contact him for Fiduspawn tips or battles. It would make sense since he’s very good at it. (Nevertheless I will try sneaking in a fairy in some way. As a treat to him for being The Character Ever..)

Somewhat related..: I heard that theres a new Broadwaystuck Tavros (apprehensiveTrainer). I listened to the new song, and then went crazy for the next 3 hours. Can't wait for more. c|x)

It makes me so happy to be back coding again. I missed you, Visual Studio Code. I missed you, my awesome personal website.. Never shall we be apart again.. c|x’’0

Regarding other matters, I’ve been alright! (My real life friends made me normal keep me in check.) I’m not that stressed out anymore, and will even be getting a phone next month!! Yay!! I’m so xcited!! c|:D (My first ever phone.. I will treat it well. ^.^)

I don’t have anything else to say, other than I have an event to attend next week. Going to be showing off my academic achievements. Hell yes. Fuck yes. c|x)

Current mood: Xtatic!! Let's go Nitram Nation!!
Listening to: THE FUCKDEST JAMS Side A - DJ Snaggletoof/Halley Labs

18/5/2024 9:33 PM