Welcome to my gallery!! c|:D I'll be displaying any of latest drawings here, for all of the internet to see! c|:)
All that I ask of you while here is to not repost or use my art anywhere, especially without my permission! Other than that, have fun! ^^
Back again with some more Team Charge art... This time with them grown up and on Earth C!! (..How is Tavros not a sprite? I haven't figured that out yet. Through AU shenanigans.)
Not much to say about this one, just thought it'd be neat to make up some adult (and technically post-transition) designs for them. c|:) They're both supposed to have wings in this one but I wanted to show off the background. Of which I had a surprisingly decent time drawing!
I'm less xperienced with drawing more urban scenes like this (hills are much more easier to draw...) but I think this one came out well. I don't like how empty it originally 100ked though.. That's why I added the trees and street lamps!! (ibisPaint, yet again, really came in clutch with the street lamp PNGs and tree brush..!!)
Team Charge means so much to me it's unbelievable. Anyway. <--(Pretending to be normal.)
They're like.. 5 or 6 years old in this one, so I made it a point to make them 100k appear pretty different compared to how they are in canon. As in, shorter horns, more childlike proportions, Aradia hasn't fully grown out their hair yet, and Tavros has yet to discover the inherent c001ness of a mohawk. c|:3
When I 100k at and think of Team Charge, they really do give off "childhood friends" vibes to me. Especially considering how casually comfortable they are with each other, and how they are very sure and undoubting of each other's capabilities. I know a lot of the other trolls are like this (see: Team Scourge), but I recognize it in Team Charge the most... In my head, they knew each other ever since they were grubs. Their lusii put them on playdates, too... I'm xaggerating but I wouldn't be surprised if that became canon somehow. v_v
I also think that Tavros and Aradia to have roughhoused a lot when they were younger, hence why Aradia has Tavros in basically a headlock, and the scrapes and bandaids. They're the kind of friends to beat each other up for fun and not even care as long as they didn't get too terribly injured, you know? Following this thought, they definitely mellowed out regarding this when they got older and into FLARPing (since the friendly violence they directed to each other was eventually redirected to others....) but I think the thought crosses their minds every now and then.
Okay, headcanons aside!! This is like.. Maybe my third or fourth time drawing axual children, so I'm not too sure if I got the proportions right, but they definitely 100k small and short compared to how I draw them as teens/adults, at least. I'll need some more practice either way.. ^_^" I also tried making my shading more vibrant, and I think I xecuted it decently well, so I'm happy. c|:)
Got bored. So I decided to draw the post-retcon/endgame cat sprites!! Of which inc100d GCATavrosprite, Jasprosesprite^2, and Davepetasprite^2. In my head, I call them the Kitty Cat Council...
I'm so irrationally proud of and happy with this one. I'm going to be so annoying about this (to myself in my head) for the next few days. Like what! I made that? Really? You promise? That's wonderful. Wow. The beauty of creation (and Tavros as a whole). c|:)
Like usual, I really like how I shaded their fur. It doesn't 100k very realistic or fur-like but it 100x nice and xactly how I'd imagine I would draw it. And that's all that matters to me. Also, although GCATavros has a very simple color palette (especially compared to the other cat sprites), I'm very happy with my color choices here. I made them very ethereally b100 in this one, almost like snow and ice. It's awesome. c|:3
I designed them a c001 GCAT-themed lance, too. The ibisPaint premade PNGs came in handy this time around, as you can see. (The cat pattern.. The lightning.. Abso100te lifesavers.) I also used the electricity-100king background from the panel where they kept on sneezing.
Got bored. So I decided to draw the post-retcon/endgame cat sprites!! Of which inc100d GCATavrosprite, Jasprosesprite^2, and Davepetasprite^2. In my head, I call them the Kitty Cat Council...
Drawing Jasprose was so fun. I really liked drawing her hair and her outfit. c|:D Originally, I was going to give her striped pants and sleeves to make her have a Cheshire Cat 100k, but it didn't work out this time... She would definitely wear stripes in other outfits, though.
I used to love (using and drawing in) purple and pink, so her color palette only added to my overall joy... Especially when I was shading. Who knew darker shades of pink and purple can 100k so nice together!!
I gave her needles inspired from the eldritch princess doll Jaspersprite was prototyped with. Was really worried since its colors were darker and more dull compared to the rest, but it axually fit in pretty well!
Got bored. So I decided to draw the post-retcon/endgame cat sprites!! Of which inc100d GCATavrosprite, Jasprosesprite^2, and Davepetasprite^2. In my head, I call them the Kitty Cat Council... (Neither of Davepeta's components aren't axually cats, but they're related to Jasprose and Nepeta's thematically a catgirl so it's close enough. c|:3)
Anyway. Shading this one was kind of a pain. It ended up ok in the end but hoooly shit... The wings.. The outfit.. I had to do so many correxions and color adjustments for it to 100k right. c|:") I originally shaded them with mostly green but I didn't like it. So a few hue rotations and poor attempts of color balancing later I ended up with these awesome shades of yellow and orange. My suffering paid off in the end!!
Honestly, even if shading the wings was a huge pain in the ass, and I had to morph one of ibisPaint's free wing PNGs to use as a reference, I really like how they 100k! Or maybe I just like wings in general. Who knows.
I based their claws off Crowsprite before Dave prototyped himself. Which gave me some trouble since... How was I supposed to implement crow features to a set of very dangerous gloves. Either way I figured it out and I'm happy with the result. ^_^
I've been really into WigglerSim lately. (You should go check it out.)
So I drew my current empress on there!! (As well as a version where he's older.) He doesn't have a proper, six letter first and surname, but I did name him Madame Valentine. c|:P He goes by he/they pronouns.
I love Valentine so much. They're the best empress I've had so far, and I've raised them to have the best stats. (Impatient, energetic, realistic, curious, loyal, and xternal..) (V-High on everything xcept for energetic and xternal. Fucking awesomeee.) Valentine allows for gambling, renaming, timehole trading, and adopting. Also invents shit with the highest stats, and after every hour and gives me 778 caegars. What!!! OP empress. Fuck yes.
I also have a whole backstory for him in my head. Nothing too concrete, but still enough to talk about. c|:)
I imagine Valentine's ancestor just abso100tely sucked ass. Both in ruling and in behavior.. Their ancestor kept most of her descendants alive on Alternia and basically encouraged all of them to kill each other for the right to the throne. So Valentine didn't have the happiest childhood...
He managed just fine, though. Always on the run from his siblings, laying low, and killing them off when he could. It got to him sometimes, but, under a different b100dcolor and name, he managed to make a decent amount of friends online.
This kept them afloat, in regards to both their mental and physical health, until one of their older siblings captured them and one of their friends. While Valentine survived, killing said sibling and getting away with just a few scars and a stitched-shut mouth, their friend, killed in front of them, did not.
This greatly impacted Valentine, fueling him with an intense motivation to kill his competitors and to take over the throne. Of course, seeing as how he's now the empress, he suxceeded.
While they don't have much of a desire to change things, they had a pretty peaceful time ruling, and ensured that their living friends (and eventually their descendants) lived decent lives. Additionally, they made lots of contributions in different fields. As per their randomly-generated WigglerSim fate. c|:3
Also. Valentine is very much a butch lesbian and nonbinary. Most notably the type to go 'i'M pRoBaBlY bUtCh AnD nOnBiNaRY bUt IdC aBoUt ThAt Rn.' <--(his generated typing quirk) as he proceeds to assasinate his siblings. He does properly transition (to appear more masc) when he's an adult and on the throne, though. He's an icon, if you ask me.
I've been really into WigglerSim lately. (You should go check it out.)
So I drew my auxiliatrix on there!! (As well as a version where he's older.) He doesn't have a name (other than my username, jesterDevil, if that counts) but I love him so.
I also have a whole backstory for him in my head. Nothing too concrete, but still enough to talk about. c|:)
I imagine that, at the start of whatever story he leads, he's a pretty normal troll! Has a decent enough lusus, and a decent amount of fellow purpleb100d/highb100d friends. It just so happens for him, that both are incredibly strict and pressuring..
He deals with it pretty well, though, and has a nice jadeb100d moirail who takes care of him and whom he takes care of. He visits in her sexion of the brooding caverns often, which leads to him trying to help his moirail out as much as he can, taking care of grubs and other work, and even making a few friends along the way.
After a few years of trying to deal with his regular life and life in the caverns, some shit goes down with his lusus (hence the scars on his face), and he eventually has to run away for his own safety. Where does he run off to?? The brooding caverns, of course!! I like to think that he lives out the rest of his life there, alongside his moirail and new friends. Because I love happy endings.
Seeing how, ingame, I'm considered as one of the most prolific auxiliatrixes of all time, I think he and his moirail were really good at their jobs. Enough to have their legacies taught. c|:3 Do they represent him as a purpleb100d in these teachings, though? Hell no!! This is Alternia, the status-quo obsessed planet, we're talking about. They are jadewashing his ass. Most definitely.
Also since I'm a transgender guy he's a transgender guy, too. Ok. Glad we understand that.
Not much to say about this piece. Was just thinking about the neat parallels between Aradia-Tavros and the Kanaya-Karkat duos.. In the end, I wasn't able to make a single coherent thought about them (maybe next time..), but I was able to draw them together!! How nice.
Although I didn't put my all into the lineart.. I think I did a very good job drawing this. They 100k fucking awesome. And my color choices weren't too bad!!
Not much to say about this piece. Was just thinking about the neat parallels between Aradia-Tavros and the Kanaya-Karkat duos.. In the end, I wasn't able to make a single coherent thought about them (maybe next time..), but I was able to draw them together!! How nice.
Although I didn't put my all into the lineart.. I think I did a very good job drawing this. They 100k fucking awesome. And my color choices weren't too bad!!
I was feeling sad. So I drew Tavros happy with (modified) lyrix of You Were Cool by The Mountain Goats. Because that’s just how I vent, now, apparently..! If I cannot be happy, the favorite character will be, or so God help me.
…It did work, by the way. Seeing Tavros happy made me happy. c|:) Or at least distracted me from my current circumstances enough to start focusing on him instead. Because I am still so sad over Tavros. I will never stop grieving for Tavros and raging over the things that happened to him. Even though he is literally pixels. Text on my screen. Literally words and letters. This is crazy!
Anyways. ^_^ I am axually so proud of this. I saw this Betadine brush tutorial on Youtube, for ibisPaintX, and immediately went to try it out. And it 100x great!! I love how vibrant everything 100x, and I love how I drew Tavros. 100k at him smile. That kind of happiness is contagious. ^u^
I also love the song You Were Cool. Because I’m insane in the head and do genuinely wish the best for others, despite how other people treat them and their overall weirdness. I’m claiming it as a Page song, now. Ok? Ok.
(Because I was lowkey proud of them...)
People were mean to you
But I always thought you were cool
Wheeling down the concrete hallways
In your socks and sandals
Back on Alternia
It's good to be young, but let's not kid ourselves
It's better to pass on through those years and come out the other side
With our hearts still beating
Having stared down demons
Come back breathing
People were mean to you
But I always thought you were cool
Walking down your sandy planet
In your socks and sandals
Dead in the dreambubbles
You deserved better than you got
Someone's got to say it sometime because
People should have told you you were awesome
Instead of taking advantage of you
I hope you love your life now
Like I love mine
I hope the painful memories only flex their power over you little of the time
We held on to hope of better days coming
And when we did we were right
I hope the people who did you wrong
Have trouble sleeping at night
People were mean to you
But I always thought you vere cool
Floating along the earthy pathways
In your spritely body
Alive on Earth C
Original lyrix from the song You Were Cool - The Mountain Goats, and here’s the Betadine brush tutorial. ^_^
Omg.. It’s them. The BROTP. ^.^ Well, one of my favorite BROTPs, at least. I love spreading platonic Tavjake propaganda, so I drew them with swapped species. ^.^
There’s not much to say about this. I just want to let you know that human!Tavros is Filipino. And troll!Jake is based off a stag beetle. Thank you for reading. c|:)
Willard! by Will Wood is a very good song, I think. Very relatable. Xtremely relatable. So, like usual, I drew Tavros fanart inspired by it… Haha……
Also Willard! is just a very Page-like song. Because of the theme of being unable to connect with others of your species. Ok. I will not elaborate further.
This one was so very fun to draw. I thought I would be having a hard time at first, with the more complicated pose and all, but no!! I both sketched and drew it just fine. Hell yeah.
Took me a while to finish drawing, but he’s finally here!! Yay!! c|:D I love transmasc Aradia. c|:) And drawing characters cosplaying as other characters. It’s one of my favortie activities.
Now that I have both of the transgender Team Charge drawings done.. I have quite a lot of thoughts about it! But first let’s talk about Aradia. c|:)
Unlike trans Tavros, I imagine Aradia to be one of those trans people to not xperience gender dysphoria regularly. I think he’s just ok with it and has axcepted it the moment he found out. Like one day he starts going by he/him pronouns and everyone else just goes with it. Good for him! ^^
Anyways. While I don’t really care about headcanons, I really like transfem and transmasc headcanons for Tavros and Aradia respectively. Being transgender would mean a lot to them. They go through so much shit in canon.. Both of them are pushed into often gendered roles (they have to be more heroic, be more brave. Be more obedient, be more polite.. Behave as the lowbloods, the ‘man’ and ‘woman’ they are….) and, once they conform or fail, its made into their entire personality and identity by others. That’s not right!
They deserve to cultivate themselves. To build up their own identity and to discover, and label it as they please. They deserve to take their time and choose things for themselves. They deserve to let go of Alternian xpectations. And if others don’t approve of the changes that they finally, willingly, go through, then why should they care? Outside of the made up narrative, Tavros and Aradia aren’t puppets nor pawns. No one can morph them into something else, as they’re their own individuals! No one can be their puppetmaster, as everyone’s equal in the end! How dare anyone control them for any longer!
Them finally transitioning would feel like.. Some kind of revelation, rebellion, and rejoice all at once. Its a show of free will, equality, and axceptance. Wow.. c|:’) Good for them.
Anyway. Did any of that make sense? (Probably not!!! c|:””)) I don’t know how to write. I have many xperiences but I forget that I’m not very good with words.
Either way! Transgender Team Charge is so awesome. I hope you understand. *Thumbs up*
Transfem Tavros my beloved. Happy Pride everyone!! (I will have to draw a matching transmasc Aradia, too..)
I.. axually don’t have much to say about this. I’m not in a writing mood today. I just had a lot of fun drawing this one (she 100x so cute!! So c001!! And so very happy) and I thought that drawing at least one member of Team Charge as transmasc or transfem would be fun. And I was right. It was fun. c|:D Also I’ve been meaning to draw Tavros (in general) with a fatter body type!! So here she is. She 100x great!!
Additionally, I’ve been meaning to relearn to just draw characters posing like this (as in not doing or interacting with anything in particular, just posing in front of the viewer like some kind of model) since, damn, it’s been a long while!! Nothing’s like the joy I get from simply drawing my favorite character in a fun pose and outfit. c|:D
Anyway that’s all. Tavros ftw. Transvros, axually. Hell yeah.
I meant to finish this on 6/12. I started on time (I think on June 8?) but I’m a bit late. Again. c|:””) But its ok!! It’s c001. (Pained tone of voice.)
I know that I did my best in this one, but I’m not a big fan of how this came out…! Sketching this one was hard. Mostly because I wasn’t able to find a c001 page or flash where all of the dancestors were present. c|:”””(
But I guess its ok. I like how I drew Damara, Mituna, and Latula. (I also really like Damara and Mituna in general!) And how the sign language for Kurloz and Meulin came out. So I suppose everything worked out in the end…
I wasn’t feeling it for this one, guys..! I don’t know. The dancestors don’t have much of a presence or priority in my mind it seems. I appreciate them, though. I like Damara’s sassy attitude and Mituna’s vibe. Kurloz’s outfit is fun to draw, and Aranea’s and Meenah’s relationship is fun to witness. I also agree with Aradia on Meenah’s hairstyle; Its very c001!
I.. Um. Somehow don’t have much of an opinion on Rufioh. Despite him being related to my favorite character. I will have to amend this. Eventually… >>
Finally done with the second part of last month’s drawing.. Here are the trolls highest and lowest on the hemospectrum. c|:) I think this one turned out xcellent!!
I was meant to finish making this last month.. but work and art block got in the way… c|:”( But its done now!! So who gives a crap!! c|:”D (Definitely not me.) (I am a bad liar.)
I had a lot of trouble figuring out the posing and anatomy for this one (how does one draw weapons… How does one wield a sickle.. What the fuck??) but I made it work anyway!! c|>:’”D On the other hand, I had lots of fun drawing the hair, especially Feferi’s!! Even though it almost made me go under cardiac arrest. vv (Her horns!! Are in the way!!!) Same goes for the faces. I like how I drew their xpressions and teeth. c|:3
Anyway that’s all!! More art coming soon, especially since it’s June. Happy Pride, everyone. c|:3 (And earrly 6/12!! Because I just fucking remembered that 6/12 is a special date and I don’t have anything ready for it yet. Shit!! c|x”””D)
The Homestuck trolls are awesome. c|:) Here’s a drawing featuring all of them (xcept two) (who will both be featuring in the next part)!!
I started drawing this one a pretty long time ago.. I think March? I was just too busy to finish it until now. c|:”T It also took me a while to finish due to the amount of characters.. Ten characters in one paper is a lot!! c|x””) But I managed. Fuck yeah.
..Initially, I was going to render this more, through shading the trolls’ skin, but like. I was so worried about going overboard and ruining the drawing.. I’m not letting all of my hard work go to waste. Maybe next time when I’m feeling more confident in my skills. c|:”)
I really liked sketching the composition for this one. It's so symmetrical and awesome. ^^ If I had inc100ded Karkat and Feferi, all sides would have four trolls each (since I considered Terezi and Vriska as midb100ds for the sake of balance). Super satisfying c|:d
There’s not much else to say. This was a pretty good xercise. Part two centered around Karkat and Feferi coming soon. c|:3
First (finished) (I have something else in the worx..) drawing of the year!! And of course it's about Homestuck. (I'm obsessed or something..)
Anyway. It's 4/13!! The Homestuck day!! I axually drew all of this very last minute. I didn't notice it was near 4/13 until like. Three days ago. Lol.
I drew the Alpha kids this time and had tons of fun! (Fun fact: I also had no design for these guys until now!! Well xcept for Roxy. She's special.) I don't axually know their characters all that well. All I know is that they kick ass (compliment). Good for them! c|:)
That's all. I'll probably draw all the dancestors for this year's 6/12..
This is a redraw of the frames found in this flash. c|:3
Alternatively titled: Ra(NO3)2!
I love elements. I love Aradia Megido and Tavros Nitram. Of whom I often and respectively call Radium and Nitrate for kix. And of whom are best friends. Hence the title. ^^
I’ve been trying to take art more seriously lately, so I thought practicing my lighting and a bit of perspective would be good! Unfortunately making anything original makes me want to xplode in a brutal manner, so I just drew Team Charge instead of anything professional (e.g an OC, an axual photo reference study, or easy shapes). Awesomeee. c|x) (To add to my reasoning: You know how my last two drawings posted on here are of Aradia and Tavros on their own? Now, this December, they’re together again. I did that. I drew that. This means an xtreme amount to me. I’m CRYING!!)
Anyway. Quite unrelated from the previous paragraph but: As seen here, I will never stop using the green moon for my set-in-Alternia drawings!! I love the color green (especially for lighting)!!! Friendship ended with pink my new best friend is green. Forever and ever. Thank you plants, thank you my son’s dumbass FLARP costume, thank you my friend’s association and obsession with green, thank you thank you thank you. Green4lyfe.
(Also. Here’s a slightly less dark version!!)
Hey guys. Hi November. I know the photo qualtiy is axual ass shit. But oh my god. Oh my fucking god. This is the most gorgeous artwork I’ve ever produced. What the helll. I will never fucking recover. The bug eyes. The wings. The got damn kiddy ears. The Tavros and specifically GCATavrosprite in general. He 100x like Mothman. Bye. I’m fucking leaving. My mission here is DONE!
I’m so happy with how the textures came out. It’s quite blurry here but it is so gorgeous in real life. Thank you world for pencils. Thank you world for Tavros Nitram. I will never complain about anything ever again.
Anyway. About the axual content ! Nothing very special. It is simply an older GCATavrosprite, with awesome wings and more fluff. It’s so c001. You have to care. I really liked drawing the bug eyes and wings, if you couldn’t already tell. I am xtatic. What the cat doing.
I started and finished this in one day. While still 100king so c001! Hell yeah!! c|x) Had tons of fun thinking up the composition and color scheme. Of which is mostly rust red. As much as I like b100, I like red, too!
Aradia’s gone through a lot, methinx. vv She’s had a crazy life and afterlife. I’m so glad she can be happy, she deserves it!
That’s all the coherent thoughts I have for this one. My brain’s full. Mostly of Aradia..
Redraw of this Homestuck page.
The -ory cousins featuring in an Earth C magazine issue! Not much else to say here, I just thought it’d be fun to draw. c|:)
I basically just redrew their reference poses to be more.. leaning towards their original inspirations, and then gave them Lucidean outfits. ^^ I fucking love designing outfits!! c|x) (They 100k a bit tacky, but it was really fun to design. Worth it!!)
Lastly, here’s a less text version! So you can see their tacky outfits better. I'm really proud of it.
Starting off this month with some awesome and new Davtav content. Let’s fucking go!! c|x0
This one’s very off-centered, but it’s okay, because it’s practice. vv Really fucking good practice at that. I blended shit (mainly the blush) with my finger and it managed to 100k good!!! Wow. I’m fucking awesome. c|:)
You know what’s also awesome? Other than the fact that it’s literally the Dav and Tav kissing? The very first initial sketch!! Look at it. Here. Even if it’s just stickmen, it’s still so fucking cute. c|x) I hope I preserved some of it’s sweet, sweet, softness throughout the end. I am so very happy. ^^
To be honest with you all. I don’t have much to say about this one. I just really like Davtav. c|:) <—(Face of an insane person, on the brink of losing it.) (..Positively and negatively. It’s been a Week. A goddamn Month !…. Hence the comfort ship.)
Drew this after seeing an “Outfit swap” prompt in an OTP prompt list. I could’ve chosen a better one, but I didn’t want to!! Because I was feeling lazy! c|:3 And a bit desperate for new content. c|:””3 (I could always get it from.. literally just searching them up on the internet. But it’s not the same. It’s not… c|:””()
I’m not xactly sure who put them up to this, nor why they went through with it (possibly for the joke material) but it’s still c001 to think about! I also was going to make them have a full outfit swap, but there’s no way Dave would wear Tavros’s stupid sox and sandals combo. Even for his boyfriend, the line is drawn. It’s just not possible..
Practically went into a frenzy once I first heard this song.. vv I mean, “You can't whisper above the thunder / But you can fly anywhere” and “There's a realm above the trees / Where the lost are finally found / Touch your feathers to the breeze / And leave the ground”?! That’s him!! That’s Tavros!! The Guy!! It’s his flavor of escapism and also kind of mine!!! Holy shit! c|xD (And then I proceeded to draw an entire drawing based off of the song. And Tavros. Like always. c|:))
I didn’t really think about why the Summoner is here. I added him in because of the lyric “Dear friends in higher places / Carry me away from here” and went “Wow.. That’s why he believes in fairies! c|:)”. And his ancestor 100x a bit like a fairy, so..
I’ll probably write a fic about it one day! Probably!! ^^” I still have to reread most of Tavros’s panels to get a grasp on how his dialogue worx again, after all.
Heavily inspired by the song: To The Sky - Owl City.
Took me a while to upload this one because I was shy.. Also because I’m pretty sure I fucked up the anatomy at some point and wasn’t able to fix it. Oh well!!
Anyway! This time, I redrew one of the panels that led me to my spiral of complete and uttter insanity (Davtav). Seriously. I was about to redraw it completely from memory if it wasn’t for Dave’s outfit and Tavros’s quote. (I thought he’d be wearing his green suit, but when I checked, he wasn’t!!)
I don’t have much else to say about this drawing. It’s just a redraw of a panel I really like. With messy eraser marx and fucked up handwriting. Just how I like it!
Redraw of this panel from Homestuck. Obviously. c|:)
I love this drawing so much, you guys. Even with the stupid little stickers I put that kind of fuck up the entire 100k of it. It literally has the Nepeta on it. I care so much, you guys. She is so awesome, you guys! c|x)
Sorry for the (very) slight Gamzee slander in this. I just really wanted to draw Nepeta being a bit crazy. And I fucking did!!! 100k at her!! She 100x so awesome I have no regrets whatsoever.
Anyway. The stain on her cheek is definitely blood. I don’t know about the stuff in her teacup, though. It’s probably blood too. She may or may not be taking adorabloodthirsty a bit too literally. Good for her!!
I was going to use my previous drawing’s Tinkerbull as my Pokefarm pfp, but then after a bit of tinkering, I realized that the crop would be really weird.. So I made another one!! Specifically sized to fit the max image sizes on there!! Yeah!!!
I decided to keep it simple this time, and just drew a mirrored Tinkerbull using one of ibisPaint’s default brushes, instead of the textured and jittery one I usually use. c|:) Making this one was super easy, so like with basically every other artwork I’ve made, I had lots of fun!! ^^
Especially proud of the flower-y(??) background I made.. I love monochromatic color schemes.
Loving how my GALLERY so far is at least 90% Tavros fanart. Just like how my art was 90% Jevil fanart in the past. I have not changed whatsoever and am not planning to! c|:)
Anyway!! I thought that Tavros would definitely do cosplay, (and technically already did it in canon if you count his Boy-Skylark outfit,) thus leading to the creation of this drawing.. (Of which I’m quite proud of!!) (I tried blending in some different hues in the shading, and it loox really nice! Good job, Guillemet. c|:))
It was a complete coincidence that the reference pixure I used was from Pokemon The Series: XY, the first Pokemon anime season I ever watched (but never finished.. c|:(), and also the first Pokemon generation I (..halfway) played through, so I guess I kind of projected on him here!! As always!!! (But really, it’s more like he’s projecting onto me, despite him not being real.) (Whatever the hell that’s meant to mean!) (I’ve given up on being coherent a long time ago.)
Also very xcited to use the Tinkerbull part of this drawing as my pfp on Pokefarm, to fit my new username..
Referenced from this render of Ash in his XY outfit! I have no idea where it came from, unfortunately..
My favorite duo as (younger.. probably 7-10 years old) kids!! c|:D I plan on drawing a matching Team Scourge one next when I have the time.. Which might have to be a few weex from now. Oh well!! Such is life!!! “^^
Really happy with how I drew.. everything, basically! Despite how simple (and incomplete. To me. I miss my stupid drawing filters) the entire thing is. ^^ Especially with the fake GUI and Horsaroni. I definitely should’ve given Aradia a braided ponytail, though.. (It was on the initial sketch, axually.. I just. Didn’t keep it in.) Maybe next time. c|:)
A quick Aradia sketch to start off the month! c|:) Not much to say about this one, xcept for the fact that I drew most of it in the dark (which is probably not good for my eyesight) and that I should really xperiment with different face angles soon.. (I tried it here, but I think it needs more improvement!)
I also really like drawing Aradia’s hair. Very therapeutic. c|x)
Tried (somewhat) simplifying WYSiWYG’s artstyle by making all of the shading on one drawing the same color, as you can see here.. I think it loox great!! c|:) (Let’s hope it stays that way!!!)
Not much to say about this one, since I think it 100x pretty good! I loved designing Rose and Kanaya (even after all this time, girls are still the easiest for me to draw) and drawing Vaxory (genuinely!) happy. c|:) I did have a bit of trouble making up their outfits, but that happens to me every time I try character designing..
I’m really xcited to xplain Rose’s scars one of these days, and WYSiWYG’s Sburb session in general! Lots of shit went down for most of the players to get god-tiered in the first place. It’s going to be such a ride!!.. c|x) When I get to writing it, that is… c|x”””|
So! Showstopping drawing aside! This was axually meant for 6/12!! I just took a really long time to finish it, unfortunately. c|:( (See: My ungodly stress filled schedule. Who the hell let me do any of this.) I’m not too down about it, though! ‘Cause at least I got it out late instead of never. c|:) (Anything is better than never !)
If you couldn’t tell, I based this one off of this year’s 4/13 drawing! Was very fun to make, but I did have some trouble with the coloring.. Just like usual. c|:”) I am getting better at it, though! Especially considering that I managed to improvise this one on the spot(s… The coloring took a few days). I’m very proud of myself. c|x) (Also because I made up most of these designs on the same day!! Like what!! c|xD)
I am not proud of Sollux’s design, though. He probably 100x better with his glasses on. He does not have his glasses on. I tried, and I failed, and I am very ashamed of it. I’ll fix him up when I draw him again. I promise.
Redrawn frames from this flash. It linx to a Youtube version, again. Probably has higher quality. I can’t tell. Sorry. c|:”(
This drawing kind of sux, to be honest. c|:”) But I’m coming around to it! Slowly. Very very slowly. c|:””)
I had a lot of trouble with this one, especially regarding the colors and shading style.. And the style in general. I am not used to drawing this way.. It’s so much easier to hide things with detailed shading.. c|x””|
I am still very proud of it, though! Because at least I tried. c|:) (And the jewelry highlighting makes up for most of it.) (And also Tavros. I love designing Tavros and putting him in outfits. c|x)) Making up a grown up Dave design was very hard, though.. I have no idea what this guy would wear!! c|:”( But I do think he would love those stereotypical dad button-ups.. Same goes for Tavros as well, as he already wears one in canon! c|:d
Anyway.. I don’t know what the hell is happening in the background. c|:) I just thought of Tangled’s floating lanterns (+ a c001 event that happened near me a few years ago) and used it for inspiration. The lines on them are meant to represent writing, but I haven’t made up a reason as to why yet. I’ll figure it out later!! “”^^
Huge fan of drawing my favorite characters angry as hell. I don’t know why. I don’t know why. (Has been boiling in rage for the past few weex. Life is. Kind of hard!!) Very awesome way to vent, though. I’ll keep that up.. “vv
Gift of the Magi 2: Return of the Magi by AJJ is a very ghost/pre-retcon!Tavros song, methinx! Especially the first few verses, (“I used to be a dead guy, now I’m a fucking Jedi.” “I used to dwell in the present, I used to be so hesitant.” That’s him!! That’s so him!! Tavros reference! It is him!! c|>x’0) and the lyrix used in the drawing. c|:)
He did not 100k this angry and vengeful in canon, but I made him so because.. Why the hell not! c|x) (He does like one-upping people though, which is something shown in this drawing, if that counts…) I think he’d move on pretty quickly if he was, though. He’s just that kind of guy! ^^
Lyrix and title from the song Gift of the Magi 2: Return of the Magi by AJJ. c|:3
”This drawing idea is pretty good.. But do I want it to be about my son (transgender implications), or about my daughter (transgender implications)?” - Me, in the midst of planning this artwork..
(If you couldn’t tell, I went with drawing my daughter! c|:) Doesn’t she look awesome?)
Didn’t have much of a thought process when making this one. Just wanted to draw a Tavros (common noun) hanging around, so I did! Good for me. c|:3 (It was very very relaxing. Would draw again.) (Especially on paper.. Feels like there’s less pressure that way!) I did have lots of fun adding the stickers, though! c|:) There was a bit of trouble at first (I can’t cut things properly for shit) but it was nice. I think I’ll go buy some more next paycheck.. vv
Anyway! I drew Tavros mostly the same here, since I think she’d keep her mohawk. (It is a very c001 mohawk!) I did give her some makeup and painted nails/claws, though. I didn’t color it here, but they’re meant to be bronze colored. c|:) (I imagine her timeline’s Aradia helped her with it..) (They’d be matching! c|:D)
Started this on 9/10/2022 and finished it only recently! That’s why the artstyle loox a bit different. c|:) (It’s also because it was drawn traditionally. I still need to get better at drawing traditionally..)
I was originally going to post this on my Twitter (before I deactivated and quit) for Halloween, but I didn’t finish it in time. Ah well. At least I get to have it on here! c|:d
Didn’t have much of a story in mind when making this one, I just wanted it to be pretty. c|:P But, 100king back on all of it, (the bats, the ruined mascara,) it makes me think that a fellow vampire has just left her, leaving her distressed.. Who is this vampire? I have no fucking idea! But it’s fun to think about. I hope she feels better soon.
Overall, I’m alright with how it came out. Not too bad, but not too good either.. c|x| (I do really like how I shaded the couch, though.. And the vampire lady’s pose.) That’s probably just because it’s old, though. Maybe I’ll be happier with my next one. c|:3 Whenever that may be. (My new favorite phrase..)
Somewhat unrelated title from the song Goodnight Socialite by the Brobecks! Go listen to it. c|:)
I based this one off of my fic, bETTER LATE THAN NEVER,!
This drawing gave me so much trouble when I was finishing it up I swear to god… c|x( (I’m not too proud of the composition or shading. Nor how much space it took up before I lowered its quality. Yeah..) But it’s okay. It is alright.. Because just 100k at them!!! They’re all grown up and celebrating a birthday party!! Wow!! Good for them. c|:)
I tried to give them both a more bug-like look, since I thought that they were way too humanoid for an alien species, and I think it turned out well! (This is my first time drawing my version of adult trolls, so I might have to polish it later ‘cause the anatomy doesn’t make much sense.. At least they 100k c001. c|:))
I haven’t shaded fur in a while, too, so I’m very happy with how it turned out. c|x) (Gcatavros 100x so goddamn fluffy!! Amazing!!) Really happy with Aradia’s horns, too. I didn’t xpect them to look that good! c|:0
Happy 4/13!!! Super happy with how this turned out, despite how rushed it is… (I started this on April 10th!! I still don’t know how dates work and did freak out when I realized!!) (It’s okay though. It all worked out in the end. c|:3)
Tried going with a more abstract style while drawing this one (because of you know. Time restraints), I think it loox pretty good! Not really satisfied with how I drew Dave, though.. I can’t draw him at all. c|:( (I think it may be the jawline?? I tried keeping it the xact same with my previous unseen designs of him, but I just can’t draw it consistently. Might be the shades as well, too…)
Anyway. Love how ominous I made Jade look, and how I drew John’s suit. (It’s very fancy! c|:)) But that’s probably because I love drawing literally anything other than regular T-shirts. Haha. (Don’t 100k at the Strilondes’ sleeves too hard!! It makes me insecure.) (Parenthetically said with joking intent.)
Redrawn frames from this flash. Yes, it linx to the low quality YT video of it. Sorry. c|:(
Made this for the Tavros shrine. He is the most important guy ever to me, unfortunately.. (Joking intent!! I love being obsessed with Characters. It’s a good pastime!)
I also drew all of his posters by hand. I do not regret it, and I may do it again. I’m never drawing another host plush ever again, though, they 100k fucking abhorrent in my style… (The one on the right loox so.. Squished?? What the hell is up with that?) This was also meant to be a GIF, but uh. Quality went down. Not even in a cool-looking way. c|:( But it still loox really good as a regular illustration, so I don't mind. c|:)
The Fool Reversed: Recklessness, holding back, foolishness, gullibility.
The Fool tarot card.. I have so many thoughts about it, you guys!! c|>x””0 I had this quick phase where I was really into divination practices and stuff like that (couldn’t get too into it though, as my family says that I’m not ready for it), and even though I don’t really acknowledge those things anymore, The Fool card still holds a very special place in my heart. c|:) Because most of its (key) meanings are just like me! Reckless, spontaneous, and free! c|x) I also just really like the imagery associated with it (jesters, youth, axual dog, being unruly, etc.).. Tavros (and his classpect in general) is also associated with a lot of The Fool’s keywords, both upright and reversed. So.. Onto the card he goes!! c|x)
The Fool Upright: Freedom, innocence, adventure, spontaneity, beginnings.
The Fool tarot card.. I have so many thoughts about it, you guys!! c|>x””0 I had this quick phase where I was really into divination practices and stuff like that (couldn’t get too into it though, as my family says that I’m not ready for it), and even though I don’t really acknowledge those things anymore, The Fool card still holds a very special place in my heart. c|:) Because most of its (key) meanings are just like me! Reckless, spontaneous, and free! c|x) I also just really like the imagery associated with it (jesters, youth, axual dog, being unruly, etc.).. Tavros (and his classpect in general) is also associated with a lot of The Fool’s keywords, both upright and reversed. So.. Onto the card he goes!! c|x)
It's him!! The Guy Ever!! c|:0 Had tons of fun drawing this one. Loved messing around with the filters.
Lyrix are from Heathers Big Break by Jamface.
First drawing of 2023 goes to Nepeta! In a lolita dress specifically, since I thought it'd look cute. c|:33c