The 222nd gate to this piece of digital heaven.

Welcome to Heaven

Above the World Wide Web, and up into it’s cybernetic sky, a webmaster and it’s beloved site live happily upon the clouds. This site is called ANGEL NUMBER 222, which is the one you are currently on! Welcome!! I hope you enjoy your stay! c|:D

I’m 222 (short for The Two-Hundred-Twenty-Second Angel), and I love the internet!! Hence the xistence of ANGEL NUMBER 222! This is a place where I’ll forever belong to, no matter what crazy shit happens in real life.

Here, I xhibit many of my creations, such as my art, kandi, and writings for all to see! ^^ I also have some free graphix and layouts for you to make your own website, because everyone deserves a place they’ll similarly belong to. c|:)

Feel free to take your time here and relax! The world is ever-changing, and it’s good to take a break, even if it’s on some stranger’s work-in-progress Neocities website. c|:)


The current mood of angel222 at

It's finally July, and I just celebrated my birthday (July 19)!! I feel great!

I'm probably going to take it easy for this entire month. Because, as the special birthday angel, I deserve it!


On January 17, 2023, sometime after I got into Homestuck and really needed a proper place to ramble, I made ANGEL NUMBER 222! (Instead of using my now deactivated Twitter account, I made an entire site.) (..I was really shy about it back then. "vv)

I felt really out of place on most internet (and real life...) spaces, and admittedly, I still do now! So, ANGEL NUMBER 222 was made as a sort of virtual home for me, where I can thrive and be as weird as I want despite that. And damn, it does its job well, if you couldn't already tell by the many Tavroses plastered onto this site!!!

Anyway. c|:) When I first (very nervously) claimed the domain, and therefore created this site, I did not know how to code shit! The only xperience I had was coding simple petsite bios, and even then, they were made out of tables. Hence the first layout 100king like this:

A screenshot of ANGEL NUMBER 222's first layout. It's made up of white table rows and cyan-to-blue gradient headers, all arranged in a three-column look.

Funny thing is, after realizing that most people used divs instead of tables, I still didn't touch any of the Neocities tutorials. If I remember right, I didn't even know that they had them!! It was me and my shitty coding + learning skills against the world.. While dozens of people were right beside me as I naively ignored their offers of help and got my ass beat by the Neocities code editor multiple times. This is not a rare xperience for me whatsoever. (Frequent axcidental ignorer here...)

After a few months of me f001ing around and axually reading a tutorial for once, the layout evolved into its current look! A very hastily put together look, just like before..

A beautiful fucking 100k, mind you. I worked hard on this. c|x)

Note: ANGEL NUMBER 222 is a whole year old and counting!! I am so proud. c|x")


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